Ganja, Greenhouse Gases and Global Climate Change

Citizens of the World,

Let’s take a moment to reflect upon where we have come to so far as a species, and afterwards another few moments to discuss the path we are currently on.

Whether or not you believe in the evolutionary process, intelligent design, a combination of the two, or something completely different, no one can deny the interconnectedness of nature and humans. Being our planet’s most intellectually developed creatures, we have not only the capacity to protect or destroy it but also the ability to choose which we will do. With 7 Billion+ of us now inhabiting the Earth, we are the single-most largest consumer of it’s natural resources. Our increased population’s demands have led to much deforestation for the sake of creating agricultural space and harvesting trees, the raw material for many everyday products such as paper. Because of this, experts say that in the next 40 years, the rainforests could be completely gone.

The problem of deforestation is dual-sided: aside from permanently altering sensitive ecosystems, we are changing the composition of our planet’s atmospheric gases. Plant life, especially trees, act as a natural converter of the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide back into Oxygen. In this way, humans and plants can live symbiotically, as we continuously recycle each others byproducts. But, by removing so much plant biomass from the global climate equation, we are left with an excess of CO2, resulting in the increase in average temperatures being witnessed all across the world.

While some may say it is an unfortunate, inevitable side-effect of human progress, they are wrong. This rate of deforestation is firstly unnecessary and secondly, inefficient. We need not destroy these places for our own benefit, because nature provides us with a better way: the Cannabis/Hemp plant.

This renewable resource can be harvested yearly, rather than the lifetime it takes a tree to grow. It can grow in ANY climate, and will outcompete surrounding weeds. It is naturally resistant to many pests, eliminating the need for pesticides. To produce the same amount of fiber as 4 acres of forest, only 1 acre of hemp is needed!

For a safer more prosperous future, we must embrace nature, rather than prohibit and destroy it. Power must be returned to the People, and our Hemp plants to the Earth.

We cannot change the past, but everyday we make the future. We cannot undo the damage which has already been done, but we should make an effort to leave this place better than we found it. Hemp will help heal our world, and must be freed from the bounds of law.

Legalization is needed, it will slow Climate Change and strengthen local communities!


Go green, by growing green